Join my group coaching program!

A Career Empowerment Program developed in partnership with the Women of Ivey Network

What past participants are saying:

This program has been life-altering. I am no longer letting my emotions hijack me throughout the day. I have so much more awareness of how I am showing up for myself and others. Setting intentions and letting go of self-doubt have helped me to elevate my leadership. I was amazed at how quickly Jacqueline was able to help me get unstuck. She created an environment where we all felt heard and could share and learn from each other.” Director, Industry Association

“I highly recommend this program. It was a great confidence booster and showed us how changes in our internal thought patterns can have a big impact. It reminded me of my strengths and my leadership skills and got me focused on how I was looking from the outside and not just in my head. It helped me to up my game. Jacqueline is a skilled coach who took us out of our comfort zone and pushed us to look at our truth.” COO, Law Firm

“Being a woman and person of colour, I always felt I had to work harder than my counterparts to prove myself.  Participating in the Career Empowerment Program made me realize that it is not about proving myself but about promoting my value. Jacqueline helped me realize that I need to be confident in my brand and the value I offer. She has a unique approach that involves recognizing and unleashing your inner leader combined with practical strategies on self-advocacy and influencing others. This program is a great investment in yourself!” AVP HR, Major Bank

Why join my Career Empowerment Program?

Are you ready to take your career to the next level of leadership, impact and recognition in a way that is aligned with your purpose?

The Career Empowerment Program is a highly interactive virtual group coaching program designed to empower you to activate your authentic leadership style, increase your influence and your impact, and accelerate your career growth and fulfillment.

Over the ten-week program, you will learn to:

  • Build a purpose-driven career vision

  • Connect with and clarify your unique value proposition (personal brand)

  • Tap into your inner coach for strength & guidance

  • Increase your visibility, credibility and influence with the right people

  • Negotiate what you want and what you’re worth

  • Put a plan in place to strategically drive your career forward

Who should participate?

This program is for women in management or leadership roles who are currently employed and have at least 15 years of work experience (you do not need to be an Ivey graduate). It is a good fit for you if you are feeling stagnant in your current role and/or you are looking to go to the next level with your leadership (inside or outside your organization).

You should apply if you are looking to:

  • Get clearer about your core strengths and values, and what’s next for you

  • Enhance your self-awareness and confidence as a leader

  • Let go of self-limiting beliefs

  • Increase your strategic value and influence

  • Improve your ability to say no, set boundaries and ask for what you need

  • Connect with and share ideas with other accomplished, inspiring women

Program timing, format & pricing

• Runs bi-weekly via Zoom for six sessions (timing determined by the group)

• Sessions combine personal reflection and learning, proven career development strategies, on-the-spot coaching and group sharing

• Participants also benefit from a one-on-one coaching session and homework assignments between each session to solidify their learnings

• Mutiple opportunities to connect with women who share common career goals and aspirations (maximum 10 participants)

• $1800 (including HST) per participant for a total of 10 spots

About the Program Facilitator

Jacqueline Foley is a certified executive coach on a mission to help women executives and high achievers take charge of their careers so they can accelerate their growth, advancement and fulfillment.

She draws on 30 years of lived experience as a woman in business and C-suite executive, along with her work as a marketing and brand specialist for top companies, including Home Depot, Netsuite and Manulife Financial, where she advised senior leaders on increasing their credibility, visibility and influence. This includes a decade at a global executive search firm where she gained a deep understanding of executive recruitment and selection, and leadership development.

Jacqueline is an experienced facilitator and presenter, having led many successful leadership programs across North America and Europe. More recebtly, she has partnered with the Women of Ivey Network, Women in Capital Markets and CPP Investment’s Women’s Inititiave to create custom programs that support women’s advancement.

Jacqueline is also an Executive Career Advisor for BlueSteps, a global career transition service that has supported more than 120,000 executives around the world with career planning, executive branding and job search strategy.

Space is limited to 10 participants!

$1800 (tax included)!